Alexander Wilson

Marriage of Alexander Wilson, 3 Dec 1767, Alford, Aberdeenshire.
full size.
Alexander Wilson.
Of parish of
Alexander Wilson and his wife were said to have been originally from
Archballoch, SW side of Alford.
Listed at marriage as of Alford parish.
He mar 3 Dec 1767, Alford,
Agnes Wilson [or Wilsons].
marriage entry.
It seems from the way entries are written that her surname was same as his.
Entry lists them as
"Alexander and Agnes Wilsons".
She is also of Alford parish at mar.
They are listed at children's bapts 1768 to 1782 as
of Wellheads,
S side of Alford
(see map).
They had issue:
- George Wilson,
bapt 29 Aug 1768, Alford.
See bapt entry
(and full size).
Witnessed by George Wilson of Archballoch,
and Peter Wilson "at the Boat" (the "Boat of Forbes", now the Bridge of Alford, NW of Alford,
see old map).
Sarah Wilson,
"Sara" at baptism,
bapt 10 Nov 1776, Alford.
See bapt entry.
She is listed as of Alford par at marriage.
She was already pregnant.
She mar 31 July 1798, Alford,
to William Murray
and had issue.
See marriage entry.
- Joseph Wilson,
bapt 26 July 1778, Alford.
See bapt entry.
Witnessed by George Wilson of Wellheads.
"Joseph Wilson" of Wellheads, Alford,
witnessed the baptism of Sarah's son
Peter Murray 1798.
- Alexander Wilson,
bapt 15 Mar 1782, Alford.
See bapt entry.
Witnessed by George Wilson of Wellheads.

Baptism of Sarah Wilson, 10 Nov 1776, Alford, Aberdeenshire.
full size.