Humphrys genealogy

Genealogy research by Mark Humphrys.

Our common ancestors - English Royal family - Contents

English House of Stuart

James I,
born 1566.
See wikipedia.
Reigned as James VI, King of Scotland, 1567-1625.
He was a strong supporter of witch hunting.
Author of Daemonologie (1597).
Became King of England after Elizabeth I died 1603.
Reigned as James I, King of England and Scotland, 1603-1625 [the crowns united in him].
The "Authorized Version" of the Bible (the "King James Bible") was pub in English, 1611.
He was probably gay or bisexual.
He had issue:

  1. Elizabeth Stuart,
    mar Frederick V, King of Bohemia
    and had issue:

    1. Princess Sophia of the Palatinate,
      mar Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover and had issue [House of Hanover].

  2. Charles I, born 1600.
    Reigned 1625-49.

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