The published music of Francis Sharp (died 1795)
The published music of
Francis Sharp
of Stamford
(died 1795).
[Fleming, 2017]
says he
was the only composer in 18th century Stamford to publish
a significant amount of his own music.
Opus 1
We know this is him because
it is by "Francis Sharp Jun".
It has no
Opus number, indicating Opus 1.
British Library reference. (This work survives.)
Six Sonatas for the Harpsichord or Piano Forte, Three with an Accompanyment for the Violin, etc.,
by Francis Sharp.
Music Collections e.5.k.(4.)
Date uncertain. BL thought maybe 1775.
[Fleming, 2017, p.74, and note 92]
thinks c.1774, and says it is definitely before 1776.
It is dedicated to the Duchess of Ancaster.
If this is before 1778, then the Duchess must refer to the
3rd Duke's wife.
Opus 5
We know this is him because
it is by
Francis Sharp of Stamford in 1789.
Francis Sharp's plan to publish a book of sonatas, Opera 5 or Opus 5.
He says he is
"Scholar to the late J.C. Bach".
Book will be dedicated to Lady Elizabeth Noel
(dau of
4th Earl of Gainsborough).
Stamford Mercury,
27 March 1789.
British Library reference. (This work survives.)
Six Sonatas for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord, with accompanyments for the Violin (or Flute) & Violoncello,
by Francis Sharp.
We know date is 1789.
Music Collections h.3212.g.(14.)
Opus 6
We know this is him because it is mentioned in the 1793 newspaper item below.
Originally published before 1793.
It was reissued in 1797 after his death.
We also know this is him because 1797 review says it is by "the late" Francis Sharp.
British Library reference. (This work survives.)
New Guida di Musica,
a book of lessons
for the pianoforte,
by Francis Sharp, reissued posthumously, 1797.
Music Collections h.1094.

Review of the reissue of New Guida di Musica,
by the late Francis Sharp.
From p.62
of The Monthly Magazine,
Jan 1797.
Lost work
A notice by Francis Sharp of Stamford in 1793
announces new editions of Opus 3 (now lost)
and Opus 6.
Mention of the lost Opus 3 by Francis Sharp in 1793.
Also shows that Opus 6 has been published by now.
Stamford Mercury,
4 January 1793.