John Shelley.
Close-up of inscription on tomb at Clapham church.
Legible is
"Johannis Shelley" and "Elyzabth" his wife, dau of
"Johannis Michilgrove de Michilgrove".
Elizabeth died
"penultimo die Julii" (2nd last day of July)
in the year "mcccccxiii" (1513).
John died "mccccc vicesimo sexto" (1526).
Photo 2019.
See full size.
John Shelley died "mccccc vicesimo sexto" (1526).
Brass of John Shelley and his wife Elizabeth Michelgrove.
Clapham, Sussex.
From p.229
The Brasses of England
by Herbert W. Macklin (1907).
See other version.
From here.
From opposite p.435
in The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, 1910,
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