Christopher Collins,
They are listed as living Crumlin at dau's birth 1878. He is "pawnbroker".
His father died 1880. He registered death. Living Crumlin.
He took over the farm in Crumlin. But did not live long.
[Thom's, 1882]
lists him at Crumlin Rd, Crumlin.
[Thom's, 1884]
Christopher Collins, pawnbroker, at
124 Thomas St,
and residence on Crumlin Road.
He is listed as "pawnbroker and farmer" at death.
Christopher dies, 1884:
He died Sept 1884, "Cross-roads, Crumlin",
of "phthisis pulmonalis",
age 38 yrs.
He died 24 Sept 1884
or 25 Sept 1884
Will proved 24 Feb 1885.
See entry
from here.
Executors were
Michael Flanagan
and James Toole.
Mary dies, 1888:
She died 25 Sept 1888, age 33 yrs,
at her sister-in-law's house
Portmahon House.
See death in
She is "farmer's widow".
death notice
in the Nation,
Sept 28, 1888.
Polly was orphaned at age 10.
Christopher and Mary had issue:
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