In 1860 or earlier,
Edward left Ireland
and went to America.
His family heard almost nothing from him.
His brother Blen
made an extraordinary (for anyone not rich) trip to America in 1870 to try to find his brother Edward.
As far as we know, they never met again,
but the Irish family did learn that he went to Alaska
and he married. (He married in 1870.)
Then things went quiet for 132 years.
Until 2002, when, thanks to the Internet, the two sides of the family re-discovered each other.
And later, thanks to more technology, DNA testing proved we are cousins.
I discovered that the last living person with the Cashel Y chromosome was
Frank Cashel,
from the Alaska family,
and he
died in 1991.
Blen got to New York, where the US War Department told him
that his brother was in "Alaska Territory",
an impossible distance away.
See full size.
He almost certainly never saw his brother again.
In fact, there is no evidence the Irish family heard from Edward again after 1870
(when they heard he got married).
after Civil War went to Alaska (purchased by U.S. from Russia 1867) with Company 'G', 2nd Regiment U.S.Artillery, as quarter master sergeant at Ford Kodiak ( must be Kodiak Island, S Alaska ) Dec 1868, 'I had a letter from Edward. He is at Fort Kodiak, Alaska Territory .. He is taking a steamer for San Francisco, California' ( then still a small town on the wild W coast ) [letter from his uncle William Kickham to his father Feb 1869, John Lavelle has it] in Alaska 1870 when his brother Blen went looking for him can't find death in [NatReg] 1864-1907, prob.died over there
Snapshot of
my website in 1999.
The Irish family still knows almost nothing.
My website in 2007
is still barely updated.
I actually only updated my website in 2008.
My website in 2008
is updated and shows Edward's descendants.
See the current page on
Edward Francis Cashel.
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