Wells of Suffolk
Rowland Wells.
mar 1stly to an unknown wife,
according to
David Donovan.
Unless this is confusion with
his son Joseph, who had two wives.
If Rowland's wife Sarah Anne Pratt died young in 1810, leaving him to raise children,
maybe the other wife was the 2nd marriage, not the 1st.
mar (apparently 2ndly) on 14 Feb 1804
Sarah Anne Pratt [bapt 1 May 1785].
She was from
They mar at Walton.
apparently lived at Walton.
Possibly later lived
Ipswich, Suffolk.
She died 1810, Ipswich, age 25 yrs.
He is listed as a "butcher"
(not necessarily alive)
at his son
Joseph's mar 1838.
Rowland and Sarah Anne
had issue:
Joseph Wells,
born 2 July 1804, Walton, Suffolk
(only 5 months after parents' marriage),
NOT born Ipswich,
bapt 17 Sept 1805, Walton,
see transcript.
- Sarah Ann Wells,
apparently bapt 17 Sept 1805, Walton,
this would be same day as Joseph, (todo) see original,
died 1821, Ipswich, age 16 yrs.
- Mary Wells,
born 14 Sept 1808,
bapt 16 Sept 1808, Walton.
She is probably "Mary Wells" who wit 2nd mar of her brother Joseph
in 1838.
- (twin daus) Wells,
born 1809, Ipswich, or maybe 1810,
died as infants, 1810, Ipswich.