Tim Humphreys, the publican,
Pub on Thomas St, Dublin:
He ran pub at 50 Thomas St, Dublin.
Listed as
"T. Humphrys, grocer and wine merchant",
"T. Humphries, tea, wine and spirit merchant",
50 Thomas St,
1906 to 1910.
Pub in Ranelagh:
He then
ran pub in Ranelagh,
"1910" appears on price list.
Think that is date he set up pub in Ranelagh
rather than date of price list.
In 1911 census he is listed as "vintner", back in Rath with his mother
but this was only temporary.
He was soon living at his new pub in Ranelagh.
Tim is
listed as "spirit grocer", 12 and 13 Elmgrove, Ranelagh, in
1912 to 1932.
The pub was re-numbered in 1932-33 as 79 and 81 Ranelagh.
Humphreys pub listed at 79 and 81 Ranelagh
(the same building) in
1933 to 1970 and beyond
(still called Humphreys pub today).
Humphreys' pub was known as a "gentleman's pub"
- the type of establishment where a gentleman could go without losing face.
Flann O'Brien
used to frequent Humphreys' in Ranelagh
[Walsh, 1988].
mar 6 Nov 1945 [him age 69, her age c.45]
to Molly Reilly [born c.1900].
No issue.
They mar at
St Teresa's church,
Clarendon St (off Grafton St), Dublin.
She was the housekeeper of the pub
when they married.
Tim died 14 Mar 1954, at the pub
[GROI], age 77 yrs.
Molly ran the
pub in Ranelagh
after Tim died.
She died 1970, age c.70 yrs.
Tim Humphreys, age 24, listed as an assistant at his uncle Mick Humphrys' pub in Dublin in
1901 census.
Location of the old pub.
Thomas St between Meath St and Molyneux Yard.
From 1887 to 1913 map.
Modern street numbering is unchanged.
From modern NIAH map.
50 Thomas Street (same numbering as in past)
is now a Centra
convenience store.
2018 screenshot from
street view.
Sign showing Tim Humphreys' old pub at 50 Thomas St.
Sign is now at Humphreys' pub, Ranelagh.
Photo 2019.
See larger
and full size.
See other photo.
From here.
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