Col. James Ryeves
From the transcript of
Deed of 1627.
full size.
Col. James Ryeves,
or James Ryves.
In transcript of
Deed of 1627
he is listed as
of "Strankally", Co.Waterford.
This must be
Strancally Castle, Co.Waterford.
He moved to Co.Kerry.
Deed of 1627
he acquired
Carrignafeela Castle, near Tralee,
Sir Edward Denny.
(Former Denny home. Denny moving to Tralee Castle.)
Ryeves lived at Carrignafeela Castle.
There was a 1638 letters patent
listing every freeholder and householder
on the Denny estate of Co.Kerry,
including James Ryeves.
This is referred to in
[Hickson, 14 Apr 1897]
and was possibly burnt in 1922.
Alice Spring
[of a family that had just settled in Co.Kerry].
had issue:
Catherine Ryeves,
or Katherine,
Edward Conway
and had issue.
Extract from "Old Kerry Records" by Hickson,
re-published on
2 May 1908.
Refers to a 1700 document showing William Ryeves at Carrignafeela.
Carrignafeela Castle
("McElligott's Castle"), near Tralee, Co.Kerry, on
1829 to 1842 map.
In transcript of
Deed of 1627,
James Ryeves is described as
of "Strankally", Co.Waterford.
This must be
Strancally Castle,
Strancally townland,
on the River Blackwater,
NW of
Clashmore (though on the other side of the river).
There is a new Strancally Castle some distance to the N.
(Nowhere near the old ruin.)
The ruin of old Strancally Castle survives.
The ruin of old Strancally Castle on
1887 to 1913 map.
See modern
satellite view.
The ruin of old
"Strankelly" castle.
From here.
See old postcard.
The ruin of the old castle.
From here.