Originally from England.
Part of the European community in Turkey.
Historical background.

(Left) Charlton Whittall.
(Right) Magdaleine Giraud.
Yolande Whittall photo album
Levantine Heritage.
Used with permission.
Giraud portrait is also in
[Giraud, 1934].
Charlton Whittall,
born 4 July 1791, Liverpool.
He went to Smyrna (for commerce) 1809 (age 18).
C. Whittall and Co., Smyrna, 1811.
Admitted to the
Levant Company
13 Feb 1812.
He mar 1814 to Magdaleine Giraud [born 22 Apr 1790].
Lived in "The Big House",
Bournabat (Bornova), near Smyrna.
This house was
originally bought in 1820 by his brother James Whittall, who died relatively young.
Charlton then lived there.
The Big House was the Whittall family home for generations.
He and his wife entertained
King Otto of Greece
at The Big House in 1833.
built the "English church", Bornova in 1857
(the Anglican church of St.Mary Magdalene, consecrated 1864).
He named the church after his wife
and her niece (his son's wife).
Magdaleine died 1861, age 71 yrs.
The Sultan stays at the Whittall house, 1863:
In 1863, Charlton
entertained at his house the
Ottoman Sultan
(reigned 1861-1876).
The Big House is described at the visit as "the country home of Charlton Whittall".
That is, he also had a town house in Smyrna.
[Kalcas, 1983] on the visit.
This quotes
[Woods, 1924].
The visit of the Sultan was talked about for years.
visit of Gertrude Bell to the house 1902.
Her diary of
7 Apr 1907
notes on a visit to
Edward Whittall that:
"Abdul Aziz stayed with his grandfather and after the visit the Turks flocked to kiss the place where he had stood and
Charlton died at Bournabat (Bornova), 18 June 1867, age 75 yrs.
Charlton and Magdaleine
were bur in Anglican Cemetery in Bornova.
Grave 165.
Note that [Kalcas, 1983]
confuses the deaths of his brother James with that of his son James.
Charlton and Magdaleine
had issue:
Charlton Arthur Whittall,
born 1816, Smyrna.
- James Whittall,
of "The Big House", Bornova,
James John Whittall,
born 20 Oct 1819, Smyrna
[British Chapel, Smyrna].

Charlton Whittall.
full size.
Photo courtesy of
Stephen Sheaffe.
Charlton Whittall grave, Bornova
Grave erected by Charlton Whittall for his wife Magdaleine Giraud in
Anglican cemetery, Bornova.
Charlton Whittall was then buried here too.
Grave of Charlton Whittall and Magdaleine Giraud.
full size.
See view from
other side.
Grave of Charlton Whittall and Magdaleine Giraud.
See larger
and full size.
From findagrave.

Grave of Charlton Whittall and Magdaleine Giraud.
Smaller shot but earlier and more legible.
From Levantine Heritage.
Used with permission.
Lost portraits
The following portraits existed in
The Big House in Bornova as at 1902.
visit of Gertrude Bell.
- PORTRAIT of old Charlton Whittall
"and all his sons and
grandsons flanking him".
- PORTRAIT of his wife Magdaleine Giraud.
- PORTRAIT of her mother Hélène Cortazzi.
Philippe Vincent
says: "Nobody is sure where [the above] are any longer."
Sources yet to be consulted
- Whittall Papers
(EUL MS 259)
Exeter University Library, Exeter, Devon
(see map).
This contains:
- Trading in the Levant: centenary of C. Whittall & Co., Smryna 1811-1911,
C. Whittall and Company, Manchester, 1912.
- The Genealogy of the Whittall Family of Turkey,
Yolande Whittall and Benjamin Perkins, 1967.
- The Whittalls of Turkey, 1809-1973, unknown author.
- The Early Whittalls, G.W. Whittall, 1975.
- Scrap-book 1809-1922, Ray Turrell, 1987.
Constantinople and Istanbul: 72 Years of Life in Turkey
by Sidney E. P. Nowill, 2011.
Philippe Vincent
"The family socialised
amongst themselves and cousins ended up marrying cousins.
Eventually the
family spread out of Turkey and moved all over the world."
- In Izmir (Smyrna)
a Whittall company still exists today.