Norrie O'Mara
Norrie O'Mara.
1910 photo.
Norrie O'Mara,
Nora, born 3 Mar 1880, Limerick.
She was
educ for a time with the
nuns of Sacrè Coeur
Highgate, London.
She wit
Mary's mar 1898.
A Dr. Foley proposes to Norrie, 1902:
Letter of
29 Oct 1902
says that a
Dr. Foley has proposed to Norrie.
Letter of
5 Nov 1902
says Norrie is not sure:
"she really has not seen enough of Foley to know him or whether she would like him".
one page it
"Joe has asked a chum Dr. O'Sullivan to stay with him at Christmas time.
Dr. Foley won't stay with us".
This looks like a sign of the end for Dr. Foley!
This page also says:
"we must be very nice to [Foley] and give him every opportunity to [win his couse?]".
Is this saying Dr. Foley is her cousin?
(Her grandmother was
Or maybe it reads "win his cause". It is hard to tell.
Not sure who Dr. Foley is.
He apparently does not live in Limerick.
Pat Lavelle's notes
mention a dance in
Hartstonge House, Christmas 1902,
"to celebrate the engagement of one of my aunts".
The only one that fits is Norrie.
Did she accept Dr. Foley, but for whatever reason they did not get married?
Letter of
20 Jan 1904
shows Bill is courting Norrie (or may even be engaged).
Norrie was living Hartstonge House at marriage in 1904.
She mar 26 Apr 1904
to Dr. Bill O'Sullivan and had issue.
They mar at St.Joseph's, Limerick