Humphrys genealogy

Genealogy research by Mark Humphrys.

My ancestors - O'Mara - Contents

Mary O'Mara

Mary O'Mara and her brother Fr.Paddy. Must be c.1895.
See larger and full size.

Mary O'Mara,
born 11 June 1876, Limerick.
She was educ for a time with the nuns of Sacrè Coeur at Highgate, London.
Letter of 11 Dec 1890 seems to show she is already at school in London.
Letter of 13 May 1892 describes her father Stephen bringing her to London to the convent, and parting: "and in an instant the cold walls of the convent separated father and daughter to their mutual sorrow and regret."

She met Michael Rynne in 1895.
In letter of 10 March 1897 she describes Michael Rynne to her brother Paddy: "He is a doctor and I met him at a dance in this place two years ago. ... His age 29. Not very good-looking but awfully awfully nice, you will be sure to like him, and he you ... When we get engaged (if we even do, a lady is always at liberty to change her mind) ..."
Her father Stephen in letter of 17 Aug 1897 to his wife says "I met our friend Dr. Rynne .. on Monday". He was not hugely impressed.

Mary mar 1 Sept 1898 to Dr. Michael Rynne and had issue.
They mar at St.Michael's, Limerick. See mar cert from here.
Letter of 3 Sept 1898 from her mother says that her father Stephen "had a great old cry parting with Mary but she has the man of her choice and we will be happy in her happiness".


Mary O'Mara, 1890.
From this picture.

Mary O'Mara, 1910.
From this picture.

"Mrs. Kearney" (Mary Rynne, using the alias "Peg Casey") in the film Knocknagow (filmed 1917, released 1918).
Click to play.

"Mrs. Kearney" (Mary Rynne) in the film Knocknagow (filmed 1917, released 1918).
Click to play.

Mary Rynne and Peter O'Mara (born 1925).
See larger and full size.
From [P40/912]. Used with permission of [UL Archives].

Mary O'Mara.
Photo of the Directors of O'Mara's at O'Mara centenary dinner, 1939.
See larger and full size.
See another copy. From P40/185.

Mary O'Mara in later years.

Mary O'Mara and children and their spouses and grandchildren, c.1947.
LHS: Michael Rynne and Nathalie Fournier.
Center: Mary Rynne and Mary O'Mara.
RHS: Stephen Rynne and Alice Curtayne.
Plus Michael's 6 children and Stephen's 4 children.
See larger and full size. See back. From P133/4/15.

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