Humphrys genealogy

Genealogy research by Mark Humphrys.
1983 to 2025 so far.

My ancestors - Ryan - Contents


Fred Faulkner's theories

Claims of links to the landed gentry Ryans

Our family is Ryan of Newross, a Catholic tenant family, called the Ryan "Tim" family.
Newross is NE of Newport, Co.Tipperary.

Fred Faulkner researched the family tree, and produced a family history in 1985.
His theory was that our family descends from the landed gentry Ryans of the same area:

Fred Faulkner said there was a family tradition that our Ryans descend from Protestants.
That may be true, and many Protestant gentry families in Ireland do have irregular and disinherited Catholic offshoots. But proof is needed.
Fred gives a specific descent from the Protestant landed gentry Ryans of Ballymackeogh (see below). But he does not give enough evidence for this specific claim.

Ballymackeogh House, in Ballymackeogh townland, SW of Newport, on 1829 to 1842 map.

Derryleigh House and Mount Prospect, both in Derryleigh townland, SE of Newport, on 1829 to 1842 map.

Newport area on p.99 of [Taylor and Skinner, 1777].
N is to the right.
Note Ryan at Ballymackeogh House.

Newport area on p.210 of [Taylor and Skinner, 1777].
N is down.
Note Ryan at Ballymackeogh House.

William Ryan, M.D., of Derryleigh

Extract from RYAN of Ballymackeogh in [Burkes Irish, 1912].

[Fred Faulkner] said the 3rd son William Ryan above is our ancestor.
So here is what is proven about him:



Marriage of William Ryan and Elizabeth Bradshaw.
From Freemans Journal, November 13, 1764.

Death of William Ryan, M.D., at his seat Derryleigh.
From Dublin Journal, February 26, 1805.


Fred Faulkner's claim about William Ryan, M.D.

[Fred Faulkner] makes a strong claim about William Ryan, M.D., that needs strong evidence.
He says that William Ryan, M.D., and Miss Bradshaw were parents of our William Ryan of Newross, who he says was born 1778.


Further issues with Fred Faulkner's research


Catholic Ryan of Ballymackeogh

[Fred Faulkner] said there were stories of a Protestant Ryan of Ballymackeogh with Catholic Ryan descendants.
This does seem to be true.
Here is a William Ryan of Ballymackeogh with a child baptised Catholic in 1835.

Baptism of William Ryan, 28 Aug 1835, in [Newport RC par records].



[Fred Faulkner] had a story that a sister of Mickey Tim's father (i.e. a sister of Tim Ryan of Newross) married a member of the Gason landed gentry family.
No evidence has been found, and it seems unlikely.

The surname "Gason" seems to appear in this 13 Feb 1814 entry in Newport RC parish records.
Transcripts read this as saying that Bridget Gason married Patrick Shea. Marriage witnessed by Tom Gason her brother.
From here in the "Newport and Birdhill" register.
The surname is not very legible on the microfilm. (todo) See original to check surname.


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42 years researching the family tree. Started 31 Oct 1983.