On the site on Chapel St
was built at some point the Sessions House
Petty Sessions
were held).
[Milton, 1793]
mentions that Tarbert town has
"a Sessions House".
Joseph Lindsay's son
William Lindsay
(2nd husband of Letitia Blennerhassett)
held this property on Chapel St.
It is described in his time
as "the old Sessions House".
William Lindsay is listed in
[Griffiths Valuation, 1851]
as renting out the old Sessions House
and himself occupying another house in Chapel St (house numbered 17).
His son
Blennerhassett Lindsay
was Clerk of the Petty Sessions at Tarbert.
[Deed, 1864]
says a different Lindsay property on Chapel St
(apparently house numbered 10,
beside the old Sessions House)
was the home of William Lindsay (and Letitia)
before his death in 1862.
William Lindsay died 1862.
His son
Joseph Lindsay
inherited the old Sessions House.
He held it as at 1870 but did not live there.
William Lindsay's widow Letitia Blennerhassett lived on Church St
and died in 1876.
Thomas Francis Rahilly
leased the Lindsay property, the old Sessions House,
in 1872.
Rahilly built a new 3 storey house on the site in 1872.
He ran the post office there
and lived there until 1881.
Map of the area. 1829 to 1842 period.
The Sessions House is marked with a red cross.
From OSI.
Map linked to
[Griffiths Valuation, 1851].
William Lindsay is renting out
the large building at the corner numbered 11 (the old Sessions House)
and the adjacent small properties to the W of it numbered 8, 9 and 10.
He himself is living in property no.17 to the S (where map is creased).
List of names in
[Griffiths Valuation, 1851]
seems to match the map.
No.11 (building value £8)
is by far the largest house in this part of the street.
No.13 is
the old post office run by Sheehan, which matches the map.
James Sheehan, Post Office, The Square, listed in
[Slater's directory, 1856].
William Lindsay's will dated 1852
describes the Lindsay building as "the old Sessions House".
Joseph Lindsay
inherited the old Sessions House
after his father died 1862.
[Deed, 1864]
describes the building as "the Sessions house".
It says the property was bounded:
Richard Allen was postmaster in Tarbert as at 1867, when his house burned down in a fire.
[Lynch, 2008].
Richard Allen, Sub-Post Master, listed in
[Slater's directory, 1870].
Leslie estate Letter of 14 June 1870 and Letter of 4 July 1870 list Joseph Lindsay as holding "The old Sessions House" but not living there himself.
Map dated 4 Dec 1872.
Found with
Instructions for lease,
31 Oct 1872.
These say that Rahilly has built a new house on this plot, on the S side of The Square.
Here, N is to the right.
See full size.
The map shows the new house (below) and an old house at the site (above).
That is, Rahilly built the 3 storey house in 1872.
Draft deed,
22 Mar 1873,
shows that Rahilly built the 3 storey house:
"Thomas Francis Rahilly had recently erected a slated dwelling house three stories high".
full size.
lived in Tarbert 1872 to 1881,
and ran the post office in the 3 storey house.
He is stamp distributor for Tarbert in
[Thom's, 1874].
He is listed at "Market Square" (the 3 storey house).
Rahilly was also a draper, and the 3 storey house had big drapery windows
facing the Square.
The post office stayed at the 3 storey house after Rahilly left 1881.
James Lenihan is listed as the postmaster in
[Guy's, 1886].
Other entries for James Lenihan give his
address as "Leslie Place".
Tarbert on
1887 to 1913 map.
Clearly shows the 3 storey building as the post office.
James Lenihan is listed at "Church Street" in
[Slater's Directory, 1894].
The 3 storey building, Chapel St, Tarbert.
Photo found in old Lindsay photo album.
The person who took it
Rev. Thomas Enraght Lindsay
in 1896 or 1897)
was obviously familiar with the old Lindsay property.
Though the 3 storey building is not a Lindsay building.
Lindsay had the previous building at this site.
The adjacent small properties would be to the RHS of the 3 storey building,
hidden here by the foreground building.
See larger
and full size.
James Lenihan is listed as postmaster on Chapel St in [Kelly's Munster Directory, 1906].
The same view in an old picture (possibly a postcard).
See larger
and full size.
See other shot
and other shot
and other shot.
The same view in 1962.
The Marian Shrine
was erected in 1958.
[Lynch, 2008, p.506],
which identifies the 3 storey building as Lenihan's post office.
See larger.
Used with permission.
The Lenihan family ran the post office in the 3 storey building until 1967.
The same view in 1990.
Photo by Jackie Lindsay.
See larger
and full size.
See other shot.
The same view today.
The 3 storey building (built 1872) was demolished in 1995.
Click to rotate and move.
Google Street View.
The site of the 3 storey building.
One of the adjacent small buildings may survive.
Photo 2011. See full size
and other shot.
See also
2009 screen shot
from Google Street View.
List of names in
[Griffiths Valuation, 1851]
seems to match the map.
Red cross marks apparent site of house on
1887 to 1913 map.
See modern map.
Chapel St, Tarbert, early 1900s.
This would be looking into town. Three storey house in background on LHS of street.
Lindsay house (no. 17) might be in foreground on LHS.
Seems that all foreground houses on LHS have been re-built since Lindsay's time.
See larger
and full size.
From [Lynch, 2008, p.196].
Used with permission.
Similar view in 1962.
See larger
and full size.
From [Lynch, 2008, p.494].
Used with permission.
Think this green building is location of the house numbered 17.
The house next door (further away from town, the B+B)
was for sale as at 2008-11.
Photo 2011. See full size.
See also
screen shot
from Google Street View.
Street view of the above location.
Click to rotate.
Google Street View.
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