Humphrys genealogy

Genealogy research by Mark Humphrys.

My ancestors - Flanagan - Contents

Miscellaneous Flanagan

Miscellaneous families of surname Flanagan, that are possibly related to our Flanagan family.

John Flanagan of Kilnamanagh

John Flanagan of Kilnamanagh, Co.Dublin, seems to be related to our family:

The John Flanagan farm highlighted on 1829 to 1842 map.

John Flanagan listed at Greenhills, Tallaght, in [Thom's, 1854].

Edward Flanagan of Corkagh

This is a fascinating early Flanagan in 1750 on the Corkagh estate on the W side of Dublin.
He has the name "Edward", which is an early name in our family.
Too early to be our Edward Flanagan. But could be his father or uncle.

Corkagh Demesne (townland) is in Clondalkin parish, the neighbouring parish to Tallaght parish (where our Flanagan farm was, in Kilnamanagh townland). About 5 townlands away, across the parish border. 3 miles away as the crow flies.
Maybe when Corkagh was sold in 1750, our Flanagan moved to Kilnamanagh.
It is interesting that the Flanagan farm here is 8 acres, the exact same size as our farm at Kilnamanagh. We are assuming the Flanagan farm is in Corkagh townland or maybe the next townland, but estates were often discontinuous. Is it possible that this Flanagan farm, owned by the Corkagh estate, is in fact the Kilnamanagh farm?


Sale of Corkagh House and estate, W Co.Dublin, in 1750.
From Dublin Journal, March 24, 1750. See transcript.
The sale includes "Flanagan's Farm", 8 acres, occupied by Edward Flanagan.
At this time, Corkagh was owned by the Chaigneau family and rented out. Henry de Grangues is living in Corkagh House.
Here, David Chaigneau is selling Corkagh. It was bought in November 1750 by Thomas Finlay.


Corkagh and Kilnamanagh on Taylor's map of 1816. Not too far apart.
From South Dublin Historical Mapping.
Corkagh is to the W side here, off the Dublin-Limerick road.
Our Flanagan farm was close to "Gayfield" in Kilnamanagh, on the E side here.


Corkagh after 1750

Flanagan - Stubbs marriage

These could be related because there is a later Flanagan - Stubbs marriage in 1866.

Flanagan of SW Co.Dublin

Vicars' index of wills


All entries for Flanagan (and variants) in [Vicars' index of wills 1536-1810].
Note William Flanagan, "gardener", Rathfarnham, Co.Dublin, will pr 1760. (Similar profile to our family.)
All of these wills were burnt in 1922.


Eamon de Valera's wife

Eoin O'Mahony, the scholar, traveller and amateur genealogist, and friend of Frank Flanagan, claimed that Eamon de Valera's wife was a relation of these Flanagans.
Liam Cosgrave says this is not true: "As far as I am aware the views of Eoin O'Mahoney are based on his vivid imagination which had great flights of fancy".
Think W.T. Cosgrave said "That was the only thing that Dev and I ever had in common, was that we both married Flanagans.".
John Flanagan remembered hearing as a child that De Valera was somewhere in the family tree.

Laurence Flanagan,
of Carbery, Co.Kildare, had issue:
  1. Sinéad Flanagan,
    born 1st June 1878 [grave],
    born Jane or Janice Flanagan, Balbriggan, Co.Dublin.
    She mar Eamon de Valera and had issue.
    See DE VALERA in [Burkes Irish, 1976].
    See their grave, Glasnevin (and here and here and here).
    The singer Sinead O'Connor was named after her.

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