Ebrill acquired this land by
Deed of Aug 1863.
Ebrill owned (or owned the ground rents of) these buildings, all in a row, on the land of the 1863 deed:
William Ebrill
sub-leased Courtbrack Villa to Henry Brennan (or O'Brennan) for 900 years on
23 Sept 1868
(lease to start
29 Sept 1868).
William Ebrill
sub-leased Greenville to James George Maher for 900 years on
4 Jan 1869
(lease to start
29 Sept 1869).
Source for the two previous is
[Document of probably 1958]
Deed of 1959.
The entry for South Circular Road on p.631 of [Guy's, 1886] shows "Courtbrack villa" and Summerville Terrace and "Green ville" and "Bellvue Terrace", all in a row.
1829 to 1842 map.
The Ebrill buildings were across the road from the S end of Victoria Terrace.
Looks like trees there on this map, but Ebrill buildings not built yet.
Wider shot
1829 to 1842 map.
Shows the other Courtbrack Villa
in Courtbrack townland.
Map of the property in
Deed of Aug 1863.
N is approximately up.
This is land to the E side of South Circular Road,
in Ballinacurra (Bowman) townland.
See larger
and full size.
Courtbrack Villa, Summerville Terrace and "Greenville"
1870 map.
The new Courtbrack Villa is labelled.
The terrace of 4 small houses below it is Summerville Terrace (built 1869).
of sign.
The house below that is "Greenville".
These are on the land of the 1863 deed.
Across the road is the Ebrill property on
Victoria Terrace.
The entry for
South Circular Road on p.631 of
[Guy's, 1886].
Bellevue Terrace now exists.
Ebrill also owned some property on
Victoria Terrace.
And see also the Ebrill house "Summerville Cottage"
and the later Ebrill house
"Little Summerville".
Courtbrack Villa, Summerville Terrace, "Greenville" and Bellevue Terrace
1887 to 1913 map.
The newly built terrace of 5 small houses below "Greenville"
is Bellevue Terrace (built sometime in 1870 to 1886).
The larger map shows that the other Courtbrack Villa
in Courtbrack townland
is now called "Westbourne".
See modern
satellite view
street view.
still owned
3 and 4 Summerville Terrace in 1921.
But now she had emigrated.
Deed of 1921
her brother
bought them off her.
Later a dispute arose between Eileen and Charles about this transaction.
There was much correspondence with the McKerns in Argentina.
Not resolved before Charles' death in 1954.
Eileen died 1960.
Finally by
Deed of 29 Mar 1961
Eileen's heir Hugh McKern accepts a sum to give up any title to 3 and 4 Summerville Terrace to Charles' heirs.
The "Cancelled Notebooks" in 1907
show Elizabeth
owning Bellevue Terrace.
Deeds of Sept 1932
taking over no.1 Bellevue Terrace,
taking over no.2 Bellevue Terrace.
A draft letting agreement of 1940 (1939 on cover) in
Ebrill papers shows
Frank letting out 5 Bellevue Terrace.
A letting agreement of 1940 in
Ebrill papers shows
Frank letting out 2 Bellevue Terrace.
The tenant in 1 Bellevue Terrace
in 1955-58 is
William J. Gould.
Wonder if any relation of the
owned 1 and 3 Bellevue Terrace at time of her death in 1955.
Ebrill papers
show Ebrill estate
owns 2 Bellevue Terrace in 1957,
and owns 1 Bellevue Terrace in 1958,
and owns 3 Bellevue Terrace in 1959.
William Gould (the tenant)
bought 1 Bellevue Terrace
from the Ebrill estate.
Ebrill papers
has letter from Gould, 28 Apr 1958.
Contract for sale in
Ebrill papers,
dated 22 Aug 1958.
Gould is listed as "gentleman".
"Greenville", South Circular Road, Limerick.
For sale in 2021.
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