Wilton papers (WSHC 2057)
Wilton House And Estate Archives.
Papers of
Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, and
Fitzwilliam, Viscount Fitzwilliam.
Deposited in Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre (WSHC).
WSHC 2057
- WSHC 2057.
Wilton House And Estate Archives.
Papers relating to Wilton House 17th-20th cents.
Family papers of Herbert and Fitzwilliam 17th-20th cents.
Political papers of Sidney Herbert 1833-1861.
Wilton estate records 16th-20th cents.
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Reference no: 2057
- A massive archive. We will highlight below some records of particular interest to this genealogy.
Blue star:
No.1 important ones.
Gold star:
No.2 important ones.
Silver star:
Other important ones.
2057/S - Surveys And Valuations
2057/A - Accounts
- 2057/A4 - Executor, probate and guardianship accounts
- 2057/A4/3.
Many papers relating to 8th and 9th Earls, dates 1733-1755, including:
Household goods and furniture in 8th Earl of Pembroke's house in St. James's Square, London, 1733.
Pictures, 1733, with the name of the artist and full description of the subject.
Guardians' minutes about the administration of the estate and the education of Lord Pembroke abroad, 1750-1753.
Inventory of household goods, and furniture in 9th Earl of Pembroke's house in Whitehall, 1750.
Will of 8th earl of Pembroke, 1732.
Will of 9th earl of Pembroke, 1746; proved 1750; and guardians' minutes, 1753-1755.
- 2057/A4/8A.
Accounts of the trustees of the personal estate of Thomas, 8th earl of Pembroke, 1772-1807,
and of the trustees of the marriage settlement of Henry 9th earl of Pembroke, 1790-1809.
- 2057/A6 - Personal accounts
2057/R - Rentals And Rent Accounts
- 2057/R/17.
Rental of the Fitzwilliam estate.
Date 1866.
2057/M - Manorial
2057/I - Enclosure
2057/P - Plans And Maps
- 2057/P2 - Architectural Plans
2057/E - Other Estate Records
- 2057/E1 - Correspondence
- 2057/E1/1.
A bound volume of family letters and related documents, with typed transcripts. Nearly all relate to state and official business of 1st-4th Earls of Pembroke.
Date: 1553-1777.
- 2057/E1/47.
Letters from Henry Vernon, agent, and others at the Irish estate office, and various memoranda.
Date: 1932-1941.
- 2057/E1/48.
Letters from Charles Nicholl, of Nicholl, Manistry and Co., solicitors, on estate business, including the Irish estate.
Date: 1933-1942
- 2057/E2 - Reports and memoranda
Report on the Fitzwilliam estates in Ireland for one year.
Date 1869.
- 2057/E4 - Inventories
- 2057/E4/2.
Inventory of the furniture and household necessaries belonging to the
10th Earl of Pembroke
in the Government House at Portsmouth taken 15 Sept 1785.
- 2057/E4/3.
Inventory of the late Right Honourable Earl of Pembroke's household goods and furniture at the Government House, Portsmouth,
as received from Mr. Buck the 14th and 15th Sept 1789.
- 2057/E4/4.
Inventory of household goods and furniture belonging to the Right Honourable Lord Herbert at the Government House, Portsmouth,
taken 11 Dec 1792 by Thomas Eastman.
- 2057/E4/5.
Inventory of the household goods belonging to Lord Pembroke in the Government House, Portsmouth.
Date 1792.
- 2057/E4/7.
Inventory of furniture at Pembroke House, Whitehall, the property of the late Viscount Fitzwilliam.
Date c.1800.
- 2057/E4/8.
Inventories of contents of Pembroke House, and other papers about Pembroke House.
Date 1800-1810.
- 2057/E4/16.
Inventory and valuation of the contents of Wilton House.
Date 1872.
- 2057/E4/17.
Inventory and valuation of the contents of Wilton House.
Date 1895.
- 2057/E5 - Sale particulars
2057/H - Wilton House and Park
- 2057/H1 - Papers relating to house alterations and restoration
- 2057/H3 - Plans and drawings
Photograph of a plan for Isaac de Caus' garden at Wilton, c.1626.
It shows the proposed S front of Wilton House approximately double its eventual size.
The original plan is in the library of Worcester College, Oxford.
Plans, sketches and watercolour drawings of Wilton House.
Also a room in Pembroke House.
Late 18th century to c.1820.
Architectural drawing, date c.1750,
showing the plan of the E end of St. Mary's Church, Wilton,
with the monument to 9th Earl of Pembroke.
Drawing of the entrance gates to Wilton House. Annotated by Sidney Herbert "Iron gates bought by me and now lying in the coach house at Mount Merrion".
Date c.1850.
Photographs of plans and architectural drawings of Wilton House, Marble Hill House and Pembroke House.
With covering letters, 1943 and 1959.
- 2057/H4 - Engravings and prints
General view of Wilton House and park, from
Vitruvius Britannicus.
Date 1717.
Engraving of view of formal garden,
as published in Wilton Garden: New and rare inventions of waterworks,
Isaac de Caus, c.1654.
Plan of Wilton House, from Vitruvius Britannicus.
Date 1717.
Interiors of Wilton House, from Vitruvius Britannicus.
Date 1717.
Map of Wilton by Rocque, 1746.
Map of Wilton by Rocque, 1754.
Printed books and articles about Wilton House and its contents.
Dates 1731-1978.
Six engravings of Richard Wilson's painting of the Broad water (18th century)
and a painting of the Palladian bridge (c.1820).
- 2057/H5 - Inventories
- 2057/H5/1.
Inventory of the contents of Wilton House.
Date 1683.
- 2057/H5/1A.
Inventory of the contents of Wilton House and Pembroke House.
Date 1827.
- 2057/H5/2.
Inventory of the contents of Wilton House and Pembroke House.
Date 1879.
Rough inventory of pictures in the dressing room and great room (at Wilton House).
17th century.
Inventory of paintings in the morning room and the "present dining room", presumably at Wilton House.
Late 18th century.
Four draft inventories of paintings, c.1800.
- 2057/H5/16a.
Plan of a seat built in the grounds at Dropmore House, Buckinghamshire. By J. Buckler, June 1822.
Inventories of plate and of Fitzwilliam furniture, china and glass at Wilton House.
Pictures at Pembroke House.
Early 19th century.
Inventory of heirlooms at Wilton House and Pembroke House, December 1827.
Inventory of heirlooms at Wilton House and Pembroke House, December 1827.
Inventory of items listed as heirlooms, which cannot be traced.
Date c.1960.
2057/H6 - Sale catalogues
- 2057/H6/3.
Sale catalogue of prints, drawings, pictures and armour at Wilton House.
Date 1917.
- 2057/H6/11.
Sale catalogue of pictures belonging to Lord Pembroke, Lord Herbert and others.
Date 1951.
- 2057/H6/15.
Sale catalogue of pictures, 16th - 18th century, belonging to Lord Pembroke and others.
Date 1960.
- 2057/H6/17.
Sale catalogue of pictures and drawings belonging to Lord Pembroke and others.
Date 1960.
- 2057/H6/25.
Sale catalogue of pictures of other owners including two Herbert portraits bought [by] Lord Pembroke, and four by Gaelt Gallery.
Date 1964.
- 2057/H6/29.
Sale catalogue of engravings and etchings belonging to the earl of Pembroke and others.
Date 1964.
- 2057/H6/30.
Sale catalogue of prints etc., including three watercolours belonging to the earl of Pembroke.
Date 1964.
- 2057/H6/32.
Sale catalogue of prints including one belonging to the earl of Pembroke.
Date 1965.
- 2057/H6/33.
Sale catalogue of prints etc., belonging to the earl of Pembroke and others.
Date 1967.
- 2057/H6/36.
Sale catalogue of paintings belonging to others, incl a Herbert portrait bought by the earl.
Date 1969.
2057/C - Charities
2057/F - Family And Personal
- 2057/F1 - Genealogy and history of the family
- 2057/F1/3.
Origo praeclara Herbertorum, dealing mainly with the Welsh branch of the family from the year 700.
Inscribed "Tho. Herbert 1632".
- 2057/F1/4aMS.
Pedigree of the descendants of Guillim ap Jenkin ap Adam ap Herbert
and Guenllian daughter of Howell Vechan ap Howell. An enormously long roll, showing eight generations.
Date c.1800.
Charts prepared by the College of Arms, showing the pedigrees of the earls of Pembroke and the earls of Carnarvon, with related correspondence.
Date 1952-1959.
Pedigree of Fitzwilliam, MS. Volume.
Late 17th and early 18th century.
Pedigree and miscellaneous heraldic material, monumental inscriptions, etc., relating to the Fitzwilliam family.
17th century and 1816.
- 2057/F1/8.
A transcript of all letters and documents of interest relating to the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery
from the Ashmole, Tanner and Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian Library at Oxford.
Date c.1900.
- 2057/F1/10.
Printed books and articles about the family.
Date 1677-1977.
Miscellaneous printed and Ms. genealogical and heraldic material relating to the Herbert family; with typescript pedigree of the Woronzow family.
Date 18th century to c.1960.
Newspapers and newspaper cuttings relating to the family, with other printed items, engravings, extracts from the Gentleman's Magazine, etc., pasted on to paper.
17th cent to 19th cent.
Miscellaneous notes and newspapers articles about the family.
Date 19th century.
Sketch for a tomb for 10th earl of Pembroke.
Date c.1794.
- 2057/F1/16.
A description of the deathbed of George 11th earl of Pembroke and of the post mortem.
Date 1827.
Four photographs of monumental inscriptions from coffins in Wilton church and Salisbury cathedral.
Date 1961.
Two photographs of the crypt of Wilton church.
Date 1980.
- 2057/F1/22.
Letters from an impostor in Welwyn Garden City claiming to be the heir to the earldom of Pembroke.
Date 1941.
Engravings and photographs of portraits of 16th and 17th century members of the Herbert family.
Date 17th cent to 19th cent.
Engravings of portraits of 18th century members of the family.
Date 18th century.
Engravings of portraits of members of the family, with two original sketches.
19th century.
Photographs of members of the Herbert family.
Date c.1870.
2057/F4 - Correspondence
- 2057/F4/25-107.
Correspondence from Henry Lord Herbert, the Duke of Newcastle, the Duke of Marlborough, the countess of Suffolk, the Honourable Richard Arundel,
and the Honourable Robert, William and Nicholas Herbert, to marquis of Blandford, Lord Charles Spencer and Mrs. E. Trevor, to Lady Elizabeth Spencer countess of Pembroke.
Date 1733-1753.
Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and Sir William Hamilton, the marquis of Carmarthen, Sir Horiace Mann, Sir James Harris, Sir R.M. Keith and Lord Mountstuart.
Date 1762-1793.
- 2057/F4/27.
Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and Elizabeth countess of Pembroke and the Reverend William Coxe.
Date 1775-1788.
- 2057/F4/28.
Correspondence from general Sir John Floyd, bt., to Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and George Lord Herbert.
Date 1778-1792.
- 2057/F4/29.
Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and his son George Lord Herbert.
Date 1779-1781.
- 2057/F4/30.
Correspondence between Henry 10th earl of Pembroke and his son George Lord Herbert.
Date 1783-1791.
- 2057/F4/31.
Correspondence between Elizabeth countess of Pembroke and her son George Lord Herbert.
Date 1778-1793.
Letters from Elizabeth Lady Herbert, Lady Charlotte Herbert and captain Augustus Montgomery
to Henry 10th earl of Pembroke, George Lord Herbert and the Reverend William Coxe.
Date 1779-1793.
- 2057/F4/33.
Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and J.C. Hippisley, Charles O'Hara,
C. Sheldon, G. St. John, W. Morton Pitt, T. Dampier, Robert Jarrett, Thomas Jenkins, H. Tresham, T.R. Salway, Thomas Bromley, Henry Grand, William Harcourt and N. Marchant.
Date 1775-1787.
- 2057/F4/34.
Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and the Reverend William Coxe.
Published in The Pembroke Papers.
Date 1779-1794.
- 2057/F4/36.
Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and Augustus John 3rd earl of Bristol,
Lord Porchester, the Duke of Buccleuch, Lord Charles Spencer, Lord Southampton, Lady Holderness, the Duchess of Marlborough, Lady F. Scott, Sir Hew Dalrymple, Lord chief baron J.A. Eyre, Dr. Thomas Eyre, and the bishop of Bangor.
Date 1779-1794.
- 2057/F4/37.
Correspondence between George Lord Herbert and Dr. A. Hamilton, 1789, Mr. Whitwell, 1785-1786, Robert Brettingham, 1787-1789, Thomas Mease, 1788-1789, Samuel and William Moody, 1789-1790, C.Bourchier, 1787, and Mr. and Mrs. Rideout, 1786.
Date 1785-1790.
Memoranda and correspondence between the Duke of Marlborough, the Earl of Malmesbury, Lord Palmerston, the Earl of Normanton, Lord Bathurst,
Lord Fitzwilliam,
Lord Chief Baron Eyre, Lord Carnarvon, John Douglas bishop of Salisbury, Archdeacon Coxe,
Barbara Verschoyle, and others, and George 11th Earl of Pembroke and his mother and wife.
Date 1791-1828.
Correspondence of livings and other church matters, between the Bishop of Salisbury,
the Reverend G.A. Montgomery,
the Reverend H. Hetley, the Reverend T. Bromley, Archdeacon Coxe, the Earl of Malmesbury, the Reverend W. Moody, the Reverend A. Harris, and George 11th Earl of Pembroke.
Date 1810-1821.
Letter of George 11th earl of Pembroke requesting that
Montgomery Williams, the son of "a left handed sister of mine"
[Caroline Medkoper or Medkaff]
be given military post as an Engineer. Returned with a brief negative response.
Date 1814.
Correspondence between George 11th Earl of Pembroke, his mother Elizabeth, his wife Catherine, and his sons Robert 12th Earl of Pembroke and Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea.
Date 1810-1861.
Correspondence from Queen Charlotte and her daughters the Princesses Charlotte, Amelia, Elizabeth, Mary and Augusta Sophia
to Elizabeth Countess of Pembroke and Catherine Countess of Pembroke.
Date 1785-1819.
- 2057/F4/49.
Correspondence between Countess of Pembroke and her son Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth.
Date 1819-1856.
- 2057/F4/50.
Correspondence between Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his sisters Lady Clanwilliam, Lady Ailesbury, Lady Dunmore, Lady de Vesci and Lady Shelburne.
Date 1819-1856.
- 2057/F4/51.
Correspondence between Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth.
Date 1846-1860.
- 2057/F4/71.
Correspondence between Sidney Lord Herbert of Lea and his wife Elizabeth, and their children: George 13th earl of Pembroke and his wife Gertrude, Sidney 14th earl of Pembroke and his wife Beatrix, the Honourable Sir Michael Herbert and his wife Lelia, the Honourable Reginald Herbert, Lady Maud Parry and Lady Mary von Hugel.
Date 1856-1908.
General correspondence about the paintings at Wilton.
Correspondence, reviews, etc., relating to the publication of A catalogue of paintings and drawings at Wilton House by the 16th earl of Pembroke.
Date 1906-1968.
Letters to Lord Herbert about the publication of Pembroke Papers.
Date 1939-1950.
Letters to Lord Herbert and others about various topics in the family papers, with transcripts.
Date c.1900 and
2057/F5 - Diaries
2057/F6 - Other Activities Of The Family
Plan of Sir Christopher Wren's proposals (mostly not carried out) for rebuilding the city of London after the fire of 1666;
and a later copy. Dedicated to Thomas 8th Earl of Pembroke.
Dates 1724 and
- 2057/F6/11.
Plans, correspondence, etc., relating to the building of old Westminster bridge.
Date 1739-1747.
- 2057/F6/14.
Plans for Lady Suffolk's house, Marble Hill, Twickenham, designed by Henry 9th Earl of Pembroke and Roger Morris. Includes a drawing by Colen Cambell (unsigned). The drawing signed by Morris is a version of Pembroke House, Whitehall.
18th century.
- 2057/F6/41-82 (series).
Records relating to the military and equestrian interests of Henry 10th Earl of Pembroke, d.1794, and his son George, 11th Earl of Pembroke, d.1827.
Pamphlets, typed articles, etc., about Wimbledon House; Pembroke House, Privy Gardens; the abbesses of Wilton; Wilton Church; the Magdelen Hospital; coins found in Grovely; spoons found at Netherhampton; and the Mines Royal Copper Smelting Works at Aberdulais, South Wales.
19th cent-20th cent.
2057/F7 - Family and personal
2057/F7/3/1-3 (series).
Typescript editions of correspondence and papers from the Wilton House archives by Lord Herbert (later 16th earl of Pembroke),
author of Henry, Elizabeth and George (1939) and Pembroke Papers (1950). With letters from publishers unwilling to publish them, 1957-1959.
- 2057/F7/3/2.
"Georgian Tittle Tattle".
Correspondence between members of the Royal family and the Pembroke family, 1795-1816.
Transcripts of 2057/F4/47 above.
2057/F8 - Papers Of Sidney Herbert, Baron Herbert Of Lea.
- 2057/F8.
Public and State papers of Sidney Herbert (1810-1861).
2057/D - Deeds
- 2057/D3 (series).
Settlement, trust and mortgage deeds.
Bx 13 Fitzwilliam family, Irish estates and other papers.
17th cent-20th cent.
Marriage settlement of 8th earl of Pembroke and Margaret Sawyer.
Date 1684.
2057/D5 - Wills and probate records
- Wills and transcripts of wills of many of the Earls of Pembroke.
And also the following.
- 2057/D5/7.
Will of Mary Countess Dowager of Pembroke (copy).
Date 1766.
- 2057/D5/9.
Probate of the will of Captain Augustus Montgomery, RN. captain of HMS Theseus, 1797.
Copy of codicil to the will of George Augustus Montgomery, 1837.
Date 1797, 1837.
- 2057/D5/11.
Probate of the will of Elizabeth countess dowager of Pembroke.
Date 1831.
- 2057/D5/12.
Probate of the will of Catherine countess dowager of Pembroke. With list of articles bequeathed to her son, Sidney, written by her, and executor's accounts.
Date 1856.
Copies of the wills of
4th Viscount Fitzwilliam, 1704,
5th Viscount Fitzwilliam, 1742,
and probate of the will of
7th Viscount Fitzwilliam, 1816.
- 2057/D5/19.
Probates of the wills of three people of St James, Middlesex associated with hon. William Fitzwilliam.
Date 1763-1776.
2057/L - Legal
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