Humphrys genealogy

Genealogy research by Mark Humphrys.

My wife's family tree - Royal Descent

  Descents of Augustus Reebkomp:

Descents of Kitty Hunter [5 descents from Edward III]

Descents of 9th Earl of Pembroke [1 descent]

Descents of Frances Shelley [5 descents]

Descents of 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam [1 descent]

Descents of Mary Stapleton:

Descents of Frances Hotham [2 descents]

Descents of Marmaduke Constable [3 descents]

Descents of Christopher Conyers [3 descents]

Descents of Robert Greystoke [1 descent]

Descents of Elizabeth Grey [3 descents]

My wife's Royal Descent

As discussed on a separate page, it is not as rare as you might think for Westerners to have a Royal Descent.

My wife has many Royal Descents:

The most recent monarch of any sort she descends from is James II, King of Scotland (died 1460), who himself descends from Edward III. She has one descent from James II, King of Scotland.

Edward III (died 1377).
The most recent English monarch that my wife descends from.

James II, King of Scotland (died 1460).
The most recent monarch of any sort that my wife descends from.

History of discovery of these descents

  1. My wife's Royal Descent is not really a discovery. Her family always knew they were descended from the 10th Earl of Pembroke. It was simply a matter of an afternoon by me in 1995 in the library at Cambridge following the lines through Burke's Peerage and the Complete Peerage to see that the 10th Earl descends from Edward III.
    • I found it on the first day, whereas I spent 35 years proving my own descent from Edward III.
    • I soon found out that both the 9th Earl of Pembroke and Mary Fitzwilliam descend from Edward III. See my knowledge of the Royal Descent as at April 1999.

  2. In 1998, my wife and I discovered a descent of Arthur Gibbon from Katharine Skene (and hence from Robert III, King of Scotland and Henry I) by matching a single page of notes on Skene in the Gibbon family papers with the published genealogy of Skene and the Aberdeen parish records.

  3. In 2005-2006, I worked out a descent of Mary Kerr from the main Kerr family (and hence from Robert III, King of Scotland and Henry I) after a tip-off in 2005 from Kelsey Williams.

  4. In 2007, I discovered that Kitty Hunter descends from Sir Thomas Orby, 3rd Baronet rather than just the 1st Baronet, and hence descends from Edward III. So both Kitty Hunter and her lover the 10th Earl of Pembroke descend from Edward III.

  5. In 2009, I got the best descent of all when I read in [Roberts, 2008] that General Robert Hunter descends from James II, King of Scotland, descendant of Edward III.

  6. More descents have come in thanks to:

Descents of Kitty Hunter

Kitty Hunter's ancestor Sir Charles Somerset (died 1599) has a remarkable male-line descent from Edward III.

Previously I had him in error here as son of the 4th Earl of Worcester, which would give many more Royal Descents. This was incorrect. He is son of the 2nd Earl, not the 4th Earl.

                                       Edward III 
                           |                                                                  |
                          John of Gaunt                                                      Lionel Plantagenet
                           |                                                                  |
              +------------+---------------------------------+                               Philippa Plantagenet
              |                                              |                                |
             1st Earl of Somerset                           Joan Beaufort                    Elizabeth Mortimer  
              |                                              |                                |
 +------------+-----------+                        +---------+--------------+                 | 
 |                        |                        |                        |                 |
Joan Beaufort            1st Duke of Somerset     1st Earl of Salisbury    Eleanor Neville   Henry Percy
 |                        |                        |                        |                 |
 |                        |                        |                        +-----+-----------+ 
 |                        |                        |                              | 
James II of Scotland     2nd Duke of Somerset     1st Marquess of Montagu        Ralph Percy 
 |                        |                        |                              | 
Mary Stewart             1st Earl of Worcester    Lucy Neville                   Margaret Percy 
 |                        |                        |                              | 
1st Earl of Arran        2nd Earl of Worcester    Elizabeth Browne               Guiscard Harbottle 
 |                        |                        |                              | 
Jean Hamilton             +------+-----------------+                             Mary Harbottle 
 |                               |                                                | 
6th Earl of Glencairn           Sir Charles Somerset                             Sir Edward Fitton
 |                               |                                                | 
 |                               |                                               Sir Edward Fitton  
Elizabeth Cunningham            Elizabeth Somerset                                | 
 |                               |                                               Sir Edward Fitton 
 |                               |                                                |
Jane Craufurd                   Sir Charles Gerard                               Penelope Fitton
 |                               |                                                |
 |                               +------+-----------------------------------------+ 
 |                                      | 
Elizabeth Craufurd                     1st Earl of Macclesfield 
 |                                      |  
James Hunter                           Charlotte Gerard
 |                                      | 
Robert Hunter                          Elizabeth Orby
 |                                      | 
             Thomas Orby Hunter     
             Kitty Hunter == 10th Earl of Pembroke (affair)
              |              descendant of Edward III    
             Augustus Reebkomp
             Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
              |                      descendant of Henry I
             Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
              |                        descendant of Henry I
             Arthur F.V. Gibbon
             Gerard Gibbon
             John Gibbon
             Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                 descendant of Edward III

Descents of 9th Earl of Pembroke

Because it is a simple tree, this is a good one on which to show some dates, to give an idea of the progression of the centuries.

                  Edward III (born 1312)
                  John of Gaunt (born 1340)
                  Joan Beaufort (died 1440)
                  1st Earl of Salisbury (born 1400)
                  Alice Neville
                  Elizabeth Fitz-Hugh
                  Sir Thomas Parr (died 1517)
                  Anne Parr (born 1514)
                  2nd Earl of Pembroke (died 1601)
                  4th Earl of Pembroke (born 1584)
                  5th Earl of Pembroke (bapt 1621)
                  8th Earl of Pembroke (born 1656)
                  9th Earl of Pembroke (born 1688) == Mary Fitzwilliam
                   |                                  descendant of Edward III    
                  10th Earl of Pembroke (born 1734) == Kitty Hunter (affair)
                   |                                   descendant of Edward III    
                  Augustus Reebkomp (born 1762)
                  Elizabeth Montgomery (born 1796) == Arthur Gibbon
                   |                                  descendant of Henry I
                  Arthur Augustus Gibbon (born 1829) == Mary Kerr
                   |                                    descendant of Henry I
                  Arthur F.V. Gibbon (born 1866)
                  Gerard Gibbon (born 1901)
                  John Gibbon (born 1939)
                  Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                      descendant of Edward III

Descents of Frances Shelley

                                               Edward III
                    |                                                                   |
                   John of Gaunt                                                       Edmund Plantagenet
                    |                                                                   |
                   Joan Beaufort                                                       Constance Plantagenet
                    |                                                                   |
 +------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+                        Isabel le Despencer
 |                              |                             |                         |
Elizabeth Ferrers              1st Earl of Salisbury         3rd Baron Abergavenny     Elizabeth Beauchamp
 |                              |                             |                         |
Joan Greystoke                 Alice Neville                  +-------------+-----------+
 |                              |                                           |
Joan Darcy                     Elizabeth Fitz-Hugh                         4th Baron Abergavenny
 |                              |                                           |
 |                       +------+-------------+                             |
 |                       |                    |                             |
George Beaumont         Anne Parr            William Parr                  Sir Edward Neville
 |                       |                    |                             |
 |                       |                   Mary Parr                      |
William Beaumont        Elizabeth Cheyne      |                             |
 |                       |                   John Tresham                  7th Baron Abergavenny
 |                       |                    |                             |
Anthony Beaumont        3rd Baron Vaux       Mary Tresham                   |
 |                       |                    |                             |
 |                       +------+-------------+                            8th Baron Abergavenny
 |                              |                                           |
Barbara Beaumont               George Vaux                                  |
 |                              |                                           |
Elizabeth Sheldon              Catherine Vaux                              9th Baron Abergavenny
 |                              |                                           |
 |                              +---------+---------------------------------+
 |                                        |
Elizabeth Weston                         11th Baron Abergavenny
 |                                        |
Sir John Shelley                         Winifred Neville
 |                                        |
                  Frances Shelley == 5th Viscount Fitzwilliam
                   |                 descendant of Edward III
                  Mary Fitzwilliam == 9th Earl of Pembroke
                   |                  descendant of Edward III    
                  10th Earl of Pembroke == Kitty Hunter (affair)
                   |                       descendant of Edward III    
                  Augustus Reebkomp
                  Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
                   |                      descendant of Henry I
                  Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
                   |                        descendant of Henry I
                  Arthur F.V. Gibbon
                  Gerard Gibbon
                  John Gibbon
                  Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                      descendant of Edward III

Descents of 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam

                    Edward III
                    John of Gaunt 
                    Henry Beaufort
                    Jane Beaufort
                    Sir Henry Stradling
                    Thomas ap Henry Stradling
                    Jane Stradling
                    Edward Griffith
                    Ellen Griffith
                    Frances Bagenal
                    Margaret Plunkett
                    3rd Viscount Fitzwilliam
                    4th Viscount Fitzwilliam == Mary Stapleton
                     |                          descendant of Edward III    
                    5th Viscount Fitzwilliam == Frances Shelley
                     |                          descendant of Edward III    
                    Mary Fitzwilliam == 9th Earl of Pembroke                     
                     |                  descendant of Edward III    
                    10th Earl of Pembroke == Kitty Hunter (affair)
                     |                       descendant of Edward III    
                    Augustus Reebkomp
                    Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
                     |                      descendant of Henry I
                    Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
                     |                        descendant of Henry I
                    Arthur F.V. Gibbon
                    Gerard Gibbon
                    John Gibbon
                    Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                        descendant of Edward III

Descents of Frances Hotham

                    Edward III
                    Lionel Plantagenet   
                    Philippa Plantagenet                                
                    Elizabeth Mortimer     
                    Elizabeth Percy       
                    Mary Clifford         
                    Elizabeth Wentworth    
                    Joan de la See                
            |                    |                                                                    
           Isabel Hildyard      Katherine Hildyard       
            |                    |                                                 
           Richard Legard       John Holme                
            |                    |                                                 
            |                   Catherine Holme         
           Jane Legard           |                       
            |                   Frances Constable        
            |                    |                                                
           Sir John Hotham      Katherine Rodes 
            |                    |                                                 
                    Frances Hotham == Sir Philip Stapleton          
                     |                descendant of Edward III    
                    Mary Stapleton == 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam
                     |                descendant of Edward III    
                    5th Viscount Fitzwilliam == Frances Shelley
                     |                          descendant of Edward III    
                    Mary Fitzwilliam == 9th Earl of Pembroke                     
                     |                  descendant of Edward III    
                    10th Earl of Pembroke == Kitty Hunter (affair)
                     |                       descendant of Edward III    
                    Augustus Reebkomp
                    Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
                     |                      descendant of Henry I
                    Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
                     |                        descendant of Henry I
                    Arthur F.V. Gibbon
                    Gerard Gibbon
                    John Gibbon
                    Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                        descendant of Edward III

Descents of Marmaduke Constable

                     Edward III
 |                           |                              |
Edmund Plantagenet          Lionel Plantagenet             John of Gaunt
 |                           |                              |
 |                          Philippa Plantagenet            |     
 |                           |                              |
 |                          Roger Mortimer                  |
 |                           |                              |
Richard Plantagenet         Anne Mortimer                  Joan Beaufort
 |                           |                              |
 +--------+------------------+                              |
          |                                                 |
         Richard Plantagenet                               Cecily Neville
          |                                                 |
                  Anne Plantagenet
                  Anne St.Leger
                  Catherine Manners
                  Marmaduke Constable == Jane Conyers
                   |                     descendant of Edward III
                  Catherine Constable
                  Henry Stapleton
                  Sir Philip Stapleton == Frances Hotham
                   |                      descendant of Edward III    
                  Mary Stapleton == 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam
                   |                descendant of Edward III    
                  5th Viscount Fitzwilliam == Frances Shelley
                   |                          descendant of Edward III    
                  Mary Fitzwilliam == 9th Earl of Pembroke                     
                   |                  descendant of Edward III    
                  10th Earl of Pembroke == Kitty Hunter (affair)
                   |                       descendant of Edward III    
                  Augustus Reebkomp
                  Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
                   |                      descendant of Henry I
                  Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
                   |                        descendant of Henry I
                  Arthur F.V. Gibbon
                  Gerard Gibbon
                  John Gibbon
                  Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                      descendant of Edward III

Descents of Christopher Conyers

                               Edward III
            |                                    |
           John of Gaunt                        Thomas of Woodstock
            |                                    |
 +----------+-----------+                        |
 |                      |                        |
Joan Beaufort          Elizabeth of Lancaster   Anne of Gloucester
 |                      |                        |
William Neville        John de Holland          Anne Stafford 
 |                      |                        |                                
 |                      +---------+--------------+       
 |                                |               
Alice Neville                    Anne de Holland   
 |                                |       
 |                               Ralph Neville     
 |                                |       
William Conyers                  Anne Neville
 |                                |       
            Christopher Conyers == Anne Dacre
             |                     descendant of Edward III 
            Jane Conyers == Marmaduke Constable 
             |              descendant of Edward III 
            Catherine Constable   
            Henry Stapleton                                  
            Sir Philip Stapleton == Frances Hotham    
             |                      descendant of Edward III 
            Mary Stapleton == 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam
             |                descendant of Edward III    
            5th Viscount Fitzwilliam == Frances Shelley
             |                          descendant of Edward III    
            Mary Fitzwilliam == 9th Earl of Pembroke                     
             |                  descendant of Edward III    
            10th Earl of Pembroke == Kitty Hunter (affair)
             |                       descendant of Edward III    
            Augustus Reebkomp
            Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
             |                      descendant of Henry I
            Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
             |                        descendant of Henry I
            Arthur F.V. Gibbon
            Gerard Gibbon
            John Gibbon
            Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                descendant of Edward III

Descents of Robert Greystoke

      Edward III
      John of Gaunt 
      Joan Beaufort 
      Elizabeth Ferrers
      Ralph Greystoke
      Robert Greystoke == Elizabeth Grey    
       |                  descendant of Edward III  
      Elizabeth Greystoke
      Anne Dacre == Christopher Conyers
       |            descendant of Edward III 
      Jane Conyers == Marmaduke Constable 
       |              descendant of Edward III 
      Catherine Constable   
      Henry Stapleton                                  
      Sir Philip Stapleton == Frances Hotham    
       |                      descendant of Edward III 
      Mary Stapleton == 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam
       |                descendant of Edward III    
      5th Viscount Fitzwilliam == Frances Shelley
       |                          descendant of Edward III    
      Mary Fitzwilliam == 9th Earl of Pembroke                     
       |                  descendant of Edward III    
      10th Earl of Pembroke == Kitty Hunter (affair)
       |                       descendant of Edward III    
      Augustus Reebkomp
      Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
       |                      descendant of Henry I
      Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
       |                        descendant of Henry I
      Arthur F.V. Gibbon
      Gerard Gibbon
      John Gibbon
      Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                          descendant of Edward III

Descents of Elizabeth Grey

                              Edward III
            |                                   |
           John of Gaunt                       Lionel Plantagenet
            |                                   |
 +----------+-------------+                    Philippa Plantagenet
 |                        |                     |
Elizabeth of Lancaster   Joan Beaufort         Elizabeth Mortimer
 |                        |                     |
Constance Holland        Eleanor Neville       Henry Percy 
 |                        |                     |                                
 |                        +-------+-------------+       
 |                                |               
Edmund Grey                      Catherine Percy   
 |                                |       
            Elizabeth Grey == Robert Greystoke
             |                descendant of Edward III 
            Elizabeth Greystoke
            Anne Dacre == Christopher Conyers
             |            descendant of Edward III 
            Jane Conyers == Marmaduke Constable 
             |              descendant of Edward III 
            Catherine Constable   
            Henry Stapleton                                  
            Sir Philip Stapleton == Frances Hotham    
             |                      descendant of Edward III 
            Mary Stapleton == 4th Viscount Fitzwilliam
             |                descendant of Edward III    
            5th Viscount Fitzwilliam == Frances Shelley
             |                          descendant of Edward III    
            Mary Fitzwilliam == 9th Earl of Pembroke                     
             |                  descendant of Edward III    
            10th Earl of Pembroke == Kitty Hunter (affair)
             |                       descendant of Edward III    
            Augustus Reebkomp
            Elizabeth Montgomery == Arthur Gibbon
             |                      descendant of Henry I
            Arthur Augustus Gibbon == Mary Kerr
             |                        descendant of Henry I
            Arthur F.V. Gibbon
            Gerard Gibbon
            John Gibbon
            Elizabeth Gibbon == Mark Humphrys
                                descendant of Edward III

Later links to Royalty

Later close links to English Royalty (later than Edward III).

Henry VIII (died 1547), my wife's 11 greats granduncle.

Most recent titled ancestors

My wife's most recent titled ancestors are: And many more, back through the 1600s and earlier centuries.

Henry Herbert, 10th Earl of Pembroke (died 1794).
My wife's most recent titled ancestor.

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